Friday, 12 April 2013

My feline friend

Now I know this is supposed to be a blog about me and my muddy adventures but I just wanted to take a moment to write about my feline friend. 

I've shared my youth and my home with a crazy cat called Leo.  Leo and I have always got on well, despite the fact that he does bully me from time to time and I have to run and hide behind mum for protection. 

In recent weeks, Leo, who's always been a cat of extremes (check out his aerial walking) has this week taken on the extreme sleep spot challenge.  Like most cats, he manages to get shut in the cupboard under the stairs from time to time, or perhaps shut in the toy chest by mistake.  However, it's now at a whole new extreme level!  Extremely odd that is!!

Leo has this week been found sleeping in the bottom of the firewood basket.........

In the baby carrier backpack.......

And in the pushchair........

The pushchair is especially brave as mum goes mad if there's cat hair anywhere near the little person's things, so to actually get in and release an infinite number of hairs onto the pushchair takes a braver animal than me!!

I do love that crazy cat though! 

Finally it's swimming weather!!

It's been COLD forever!  There's been snow, ice and freezing winds and even I have been trying to stay dry and warm. It is for this reason I've not written my blog for some weeks

This time last year I'd been diving through fields ablaze with daffodils and digging in woods filled with bluebells, revelling in the sunshine.  However, so far this year I've not seen a single bluebell and the daffodils don't know if they're coming or going.

Finally though it seems the thaw has come and I can finally get back to what it is I enjoy best of all.....getting wet and muddy. 

We went down to one of my favourite spots at Loe Pool and despite an angry swan trying to chase me off, nothing was going to stop me swimming for sticks and bounding up and down in the shallows. 

It was so lovely to finally be warm enough to swim again.  Of course this now means that mum and dad have to put up with the smell of wet dog a lot more often, especially as at this time of year it can take me almost all day to dry off. Oh well!!